3D Biomorphs

By Tim Hanagan

"They're great fun for all the family!" says psychic man with hat, and beard to match.


The age slider determines the complexity of the "L-System" biomorphs. The older the biomorph, the more complex. Unless you have a powerful machine, however, putting the age slider above 3 will freeze your computer for a long, long time. It will recover eventually, but in the mean time you will just get fristrated and annoyed and start shouting and who knows what you'll do. I'm not responsible for any damage or injury that occurs as a result of this applet. Don't say i didn't warn you.

Please take the time to mail me any comments or suggestions you have regarding either the applet or this page. If you have problems running the applet, please let me know your system configuration, including operating system and machine specs, cheers.

Introduction to Biomorphs:

Biomorphs are objects which have been "grown" in a computer based on a series of "genes". These genes are really just numbers which determine the final shape of the biomorph. As in real life, these genes can be combined to create new biomorphs (you might know this particular process under the more common name of "reproduction", or "sex"). This applet is designed as an example of what is possible when these computer generated biomorphs are pushed into the 3rd dimension. Available for your delectation are 3 types of biomorph: original 2D Dawkins (he who started it all) Biomorphs, a simple expansion of this into 3D (known as 3D Dawkins Biomorphs), and a more complicated type based on a field of morphogenesis research known as "L-Systems". Although the first type of biomorph is based entirely on work by Richard Dawkins, and the second one is a simple adaptation of his work, the third one is almost entirely my own. L-Systems have been around in different contexts for years, but i've never seen them used as a type of biomorph before. (Latest update: they have been used before. Oops. Apologies to Yan Wong. Click here for his LSystems page) Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong (or any more wrong than I have already proved to be), the address is at the bottom of the page.

Anyway, choose a biomorph from the list at the bottom left of the applet and away you go.


View the instructions for using this applet.

Load the applet.

Download the .class java files for this applet.

"Why did he do this?" you may ask yourself. Well, some of us have stuff to learn, degrees to get, you know the sort of thing. This is just part of that uphill struggle towards intellectual fulfillment and independence.

Who knows, maybe it'll help me earn lots of money too.

Comments and suggestions will be gratefully recieved at the following adress: [email protected]

Thank you for paying attention, apologies to any Izzard fans for ripping off his psychic bearded man.


Tim Hanagan

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